LED Stacking

To stack LED modules a corresponding substructure is required so that they can be easily stacked up and stand statically secure. The LED stacking from EXACT offers a stable modular system that can be easily attached to the various LED modules on the market.

Find a detailed description of the system here:

LED Stacking Overview

Contact us to discuss your project with us.

The basis of the system is the base profile in which the adapter plate, the so-called base plate, is inserted. There are single base profiles that stand alone, as well as dual and triple base profiles that can be firmly connected to each other. The base profile is placed on the ski. In this ski you put the stacker, which supports the LED wall to the rear. All parts are firmly connected with the corresponding safety bolts. Type-specific clamps hold the locked LED panel on the baseplate at the upper edge and prevent it from tipping forward. The LED wall is then gradually built upwards. Additional support is provided for higher walls: the ski is extended to the rear by an extension and a diagonal supports the extension and the stacker. In addition, a long extension and a long diagonal can be used for even higher walls.

For some types, the statics up to a height of 12 modules are already available. If necessary, the  statics for other sizes can be made at short notice.


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Download a detailed description of our LED Stacking and LED Hanging System:

LED Stacking Overview
LED Stacking Manual EN
LED Stacking Manual DE
LED Stacking Manual ES