Solutions4AV goes lecture – first Webinar experiences

Within the framework of the webinar series “Faculty Program”, which is organized by the Professional Education and Training Commitee (PETC) of InfoComm International ®, Diana Wöllmann, Product Manager Solutions, was asked to hold a webinar.

The subject of this webinar, which took place on April 19, 2017, was “Leading interactive technologies and their characteristics in the Pro AV industry”. The topics may be chosen by the lecturers themselves and may be optional in the language of the country, in order to give all companies and their employees in the respective country the opportunity to take as much as possible from the lecture.

The content of this webinar was about the various interactive technologies that the Solutions4AV considers to be the most important and to discuss their benefits and properties.

In addition to infrared frames and capacitive solutions, laser- and camera approaches were also explained, differences were discussed, application examples were shown and new creative applications were presented. For example, the “Tangible Object Recognition”, which is currently being very famous in the AV industry, where tangible objects can be moved on interactive displays and where information can be retrieved. Here, the Solutions4AV is already a step further and offers with the new fluxTOUCH gen3 a touch screen that comes with PCAP technology and together with object recognition leads to a great experience.



In the end as well as during the webinar, the participants had the chance to ask questions via chat function or to answer a poll which was created to inspire the conversation afterwards. As we as Solutions4AV found the webinar a great experience, further ones will follow during the year. Current dates can be found here: